How to Develop a ministry…CD Teaching Series
“It is God’s will that every church have an effective ministry to those in the Second Half of Life!”
With these opening words John Heide tells how every church can start or develop a dynamic ministry to adults in their church and community.
This 3 CD teaching series will give you the information you need.
Topics include:
- Start a new adult program and get everyone in your church involved!
- Select the best leaders for your group!
- FIND and WIN senior adults in your community to the Lord!
- Develop programs to attract second halfers to your church and keep them coming back!
- Network second halfers with other ministries in the church!
- Tap into the Time, Talents, and Treasures of second halfers!
- Find out what’s working for other adult programs around the country!
Series cost: $20.00 which includes handling and shipping costs.
Mail a check or money order for $20 to:
John Heide
50 Plus
PO Box 781,
Conway, AR 72033
You can also pay online